
Download waze can t find gps
Download waze can t find gps

There is only one limit to that: the need of a Bluetooth-enabled smartphone, but that’s not a big problem because this feature is widely spread nowaday.

download waze can t find gps

The strategy is to partner with the later to install the famous beacons on tunnel walls: they are small devices that replace the GPS signal with Bluetooth to provide the location information. This time the society doesn’t rely on it’s engaged community but try to broaden it with tunnels operators. It’s to address this problem that Waze has intervened by developing a new geolocation technology independent from GPS : the Waze Beacons.

download waze can t find gps

This dependence is especially noticeable when we cannot have access to it : a good example is when we lose the signal in tunnels. With the decline use of paper maps we gradually became dependent to those technologies, the first one being the GPS.

download waze can t find gps

Today, whether you want to know where you are or where you want to go, it always imply location technology. Billet publié le 1 décembre 2016 par Pierre Vivet

Download waze can t find gps